Bad Luck Caesar

Bad Luck Caesar
por hideri290 el 23 jul 2021, 22:20

julio césar,roma,bad luck
Eso deja bien clarito que el Senado no era el pueblo
Et tu, Brute?
Tremenda la incultura del autor.
There is no evidence that the historical Caesar spoke these words.[3][4] Though the historical Caesar's last words are not known with certainty, the Roman historian Suetonius, a century and a half after the incident, claims Caesar said nothing as he died, but that others reported that Caesar's last words were the Greek phrase Kai su, teknon (Και συ τέκνον),[5][6] which means "You too, child" or "You too, young man"[7] to Brutus.
Le mataron porque un solo hombre no podia abarcar todo el poder de roma, pero los q lo mataron se coronaron Princeps

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